November 2015

Found 4 blog entries for November 2015.

Just south of the midpoint of South Carolina's coastline sits the historic city of Charleston. Founded in 1670, Charleston was first known as Charles Town and was named after King Charles II.

Throughout history, the city has seen periods of great wealth and prosperity as well as times of great poverty. Two major wars were fought within the city, which were followed by occupations of invading armies. Charleston has endured fights with pirates and Native Americans, hurricanes, catastrophic fires, and earthquakes.

So, how did this great city get the nickname of "the Holy City"?

How Charleston Came To Be Known As the Holy City

King Charles II granted a charter in 1663 for the Carolina territory to eight loyal friends. On the west bank of the

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When moving to your dream beach house, it’s important to know that it won’t always be sunny and warm outside. While it’s true that you’ll be living in a prime location with mild weather, you will still need to deal with winter seasons and cooler nights.

When you move, there are a few things that you need to know. The following tips will help make your move just a little bit easier.

  1. The Summer Months Are Very Busy

In the summer, prime beach locations are a big draw for tourists. You’ll notice an increase in traffic and the amount of people renting homes around you. In most cases, beach homes will rent for cheaper in the winter and higher in the summer. This means that your neighbors may change with the seasons as rental prices rise.

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Discover some of Charleston’s spookiest places below!

Charleston is a city steeped in history, war, bloodshed and turmoil. As one of the most historic cities on the East Coast, Charleston is known for its famous ghost stories and is home to some of the best haunted houses in the state. The next time you’re in for a fright, be sure to check out these haunted hotspots.

Battery Carriage House Inn

Located on 20 South Battery, this historic inn was built in 1843 and is home to several ghosts. However, two rooms in particular are known for their ghostly activity: Room Eight and Room Ten.

Guests say that Room Eight is haunted by the Headless Torso, the apparition of a Civil War soldier who moans menacingly. Room Ten is home to a spirit that guests

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How is the Charleston, South Carolina housing market doing? Trulia provides substantial information based off of thousands of homes that have been listed during the months of July 2015 and October 2015.

The Charleston Real Estate market has seen a major boost in the third quarter. The median sale price for homes in the city has risen 2.2% on the year, up $5,000 to $230,000. We are also able to see which neighborhoods have the highest average listing prices (which we’ll discuss shortly).

A Look at the Housing Market by the Number of Bedrooms

The number of home sales have actually dropped by 37.2% year on year. But, the prices of homes have increased, which may be the reason for slower sales. During the third quarter, we’ve seen the following price

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